Symbolism in the Church of the Good Shepherd

About this site
The Church of the Good Shepherd was built in 1895 using the finest materials available and employing many Christian symbols throughout its structure.
It is impossible for one to sit in a pew of the Church without admiring the beautiful woodwork, windows, and its overall calming elegance.
Symbolism is intertwined through out everything about the Church,
from ornamentation, to Church lay out.
This web site makes an attempt to explain some of the symbols within our Church.
"In Christian Symbolism we must learn not to merely look at the symbols
but to look through them to the truth which they express."
Helen Stuart Griffith
Author of The Sign Language of Our Faith
"Symbols are able to impart in graphic and dramatic manner truths which sometimes
escape even the dimensions of language."
The Right Reverend John E. Hines
Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal church 1965 – 1974
The Church of the Good Shepherd Houlton